I upload my logs to QRZ, Clublog, HamQTH, HRDLOG (now Ham365), LoTW and eQSL for electronic confirmation. I also provide an electronic QSL card via email. Please request this by email and I will arrange it ASAP. I also send this automatically to contacts of particular interest. I very much enjoy receiving and sending QSL cards, and I also exchange postcards with others around the world via the Postcrossing system. I appreciate all QSL cards, and enjoy adding to my collection.
For paper QSLs, please see below.
100% Returns for any cards send via the bureau. If you send, I will reply. I also send bureau cards myself to any contacts of particular interest (DX contacts, new band/modes, etc.)
Direct (Domestic)
All cards received Direct from the United Kingdom will be replied to, 100% and no postage required. No need to let me know it’s on the way (nice to have a surprise!). I will reply ASAP.
Direct (International)
I will return any QSL cards received internationally. Postage in the UK is very expensive, £2.80 to send an international postcard size letter (3.30 EUR, 3.50 USD).
I would be very grateful if you could accompany your QSL card and request with 3 USD bills as this allows me to send these on to DX stations to receive cards from them. Alternatively, you can contact me via email ( to request my PayPal email address (PLEASE don’t send anything to the listed email address, as my Paypal email is different).
However, I understand it is often hard to source USD outside of the UK, and not everyone uses PayPal. I will NEVER ignore an international card, and would rather have your card in my collection than not receive it at all. If you are unable to send any money with your request, I will still reply to your card.Â
Shortwave Listener (SWL) reports are very much appreciated. You can submit a SWL report via the following ways and receive a reply:
- Via my website HERE. – I will confirm your report via email.
- eQSL – I will reply to any SWL eQSL reports.
- Bureau – I will reply to your card 100%.
- Direct Domestic – I will reply to your card direct, no postage required!
- Direct International – I will reply to your card 100%, however a contribution in USD is much appreciated to go towards the postage cost.
Please Note: To send a card via the RSGB (UK) bureau, the information on the card “must be of legitmate value to the transmitting amateur”. Please provide the station you heard me working, date, time, band, mode and signal report as a minimum. Thank you!
OQRS (Request without sending card)
You can use the Clublog OQRS (Online QSL Request Service) to request a card from me if you are unable to send me your card. The bureau option is free, and will be sent with my next batch of cards to the bureau. There is an option for a direct card, and you will be redirected to PayPal to make a contribution to the postage costs. Please scroll down below to search your callsign in my “Log Search” and you can make a request.
Please note, SWL stations are unable to use the OQRS service.
You can contact me using the following form: