Tag: m7oja

  • Coming Soon to M7OJA.com – A guide to improving your QRZ page.

    I am currently in the process of writing an article on how to improve your QRZ.com page. I will cover the basic format and imaging of your page, ensuring all of your details are correct in the “detail” section, uploading an image and setting a main image (which is displayed automatically when DX stations search for you in their logging software), signing up to external services which can provide information and logging, updating your QSL information on QRZ.com and embedding external services into your QRZ.com page (such as HamAlert Cluster Spots for your station, POTA statistics, etc.).

    Keep an eye on the website for more information. When the article is published, it will appear under the “Getting Started” tab on the navigation menu. I will also notify via Instagram and my free newsletter.

    – Oscar M7OJA

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  • Newsletter now LIVE!

    My newsletter is now launched and ready to subscribe to. Join me for weekly blog updates and notification when a new article goes live on the site, as well as any other relevant amateur radio news.

    You can join below:

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  • New QSL cards!

    This morning, the postman brought my new batch of QSL cards with a fresh design thanks to Tony LZ1JZ. I will be sending an initial batch of cards over the coming days. If you would like to request a card, please use the Clublog OQRS service. You can request a free bureau card, or make a contribution to the postage for a direct card.

    To use Tony LZ1JZ’s QSL design and print service, visit his website HERE (link opens in new tab).

    QSLing is one of my favourite parts of the hobby. It brings me pleasure to receive, send and collect cards. If you would like to get started with QSLing but don’t know how, you can visit my guide HERE (link opens in new tab).

    462565608 2073259563179367 8276768831072686730 n
    My new and improved QSL card design. – M7OJA
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